
Digital Field Experiences

Phillion discusses in this article the implementation of a distance field experience project implemented online in order to provide primarily white pre-service teachers in rural, fairly isolated areas with opportunities to interact with diverse groups of students that are not well represented in the general vicinity of the teaching college. The participants use video conferencing and communicated frequently with the supervising in-service teachers to plan activities and prepare materials for students. Field experiences have been documented as the best way to prepare future teachers for the complexity and diversity of the classrooms in which they are likely to teach in our ever more diversifying society. Through this program, which is linked together through an online service called Polycom, preservice teachers observe the classroom, interact with students, and utilize the available technology to create engaging and enriching lessons.

It seems to me that such digital, distance field experiences may be the best option available to teaching colleges located in rural or “low-diversity” areas. I definitely do not see online options as equivalent to being in a real school, interacting with students and teachers in person. If I were an educator of educators, I may adopt such a system in a similar situation, but I would always hesitate to limit field experiences to an online environment. It is often said that multicultural sensitivity can only develop with a lot of critical, meaningful interaction with people from many different walks of life, and I fail to see how sensitive nonverbal communication skills could be developed without physical proximity. For these reasons I may just consider distance field experiences as an alternative to traditional visits to schools.

Phillion, J. (2005). Providing Field Experiences with Diverse Populations for Preservice Teachers: Using Technology to Bridge Distances and Cultures. Multicultural Perspectives, 7(3), 3–9.


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